What's My Way?
You can't herd cats or entrepreneurs but you can aggregate blogs. Participants in this network are experienced company founders who post about the joys, pains, and hard-earned lessons of startups - and whatever else is on their mind.
Readers are entrepreneurs, those who think they might want to be entrepreneurs, those who live with entrepreneurs, VCs, bankers and others interested in the cutting edge of technology and business.
My Way is powered by FeedBurner. The FeedBurner Network capability is currently in Beta so changes will happen and glitches will as well. Comments are welcome below to tell us what you think of the capability and the network. Please post on the individual blogs when commenting on their content.
More info here on my blog.
Tom Evslin - My Way Network Coordinator
My Way Network Blogs
- Adventures in Capitalism by Chris Yeh
- Ben Casnocha: The Blog by Ben Casnocha
- boxee blog by Avner Ronen
- brash by Jason Devitt
- Brian Berliner’s Brain by Brian Berliner
- Entrepreneurship Blog by Andrew Fife
- Fractals of Change by Tom Evslin
- Junto Boys by Bernard Moon
- Loic Le Meur Blog by Loic Le Meur
- OnlyOnce by Matt Blumberg
- OnStartups by Dharmesh Shah
- Peter's Thoughts by Peter Cranstone
- Rickerism by Jeffrey Ricker
- Start-up CEO by Eli Portnoy
- terrygold.com by Terry Gold
- The Third Screen by Eric Hernaez
- The Webpreneur by Nick ONeill
- Web X.0 by Yaron Galai
- 2-Speed by William Herman
- 52 Reviews by Eric Allam
Getting Your Blog into My Way Network
If you are an actual experienced entrepreneur and blog frequently about that experience in English, the your blog is a candidate for My Way Network. Please email me - tom (at) evslin (dot) com - with the URL for your blog and I'll be happy to take a look at it.
Starting Your Own Network Using FeedBurner
You can't, yet, because the network capability is still in Beta test. But you should be able to soon. Watch the FeedBurner blog for updates.